Vince Lombardi would question his talent – How well do you truly know yourself?
He would invite players to share with him their values, ask what they stood for and challenge them to appreciate their own set of personal values.
Lombardi successfully built high performing cultures within the teams he worked with by developing individual character. From here, Lombardi would then go on to develop the foundations of his team, build a larger feeling of oneness and dependence on one another.
A collection of talented individuals without personal discipline will ultimately and inevitably fail. ...Character triumphs over talent!
Our values decide our character. Our character decides our value
Create the highest level of operating standards, develop the character of your players, develop the culture of your team and the scores will take care of itself!
1. Know Yourself - You can’t improve on something you don’t know yourself
Success starts internally. Self knowledge is defined as an awareness and a wisdom about your own character and potential, acquired through experience.
Self-knowledge is important because we bring our attitudes, perceptions, prejudices and opinions to our communications, relationships, and interactions with others. We see life, people, and events through the lens of our thoughts. Asking yourself questions such as: What am I about? Where is my spark?
Successfully answering these questions gives us a better understanding of the values and principles we believe in and also the existing strengths we need to build on.
2. Build your character
Character is founded on unchanging principles. It is your underlying core. It is unspoken power, it is solid and resolute, and it doesn't blink.
Character is learned from the people around us, our heroes and our role models.
Examining heroes: How you can be like them and also why you want to be different from them;
Practice humility: Humility is a quality of being unpretending, it is giving credit where credit is due. It's as simple as 'if you did it, take credit. If you had help, recognise those who helped you'. Humility embodies truth and reinforces character. You can be proud and humble;
Showing respect and compassion for others: The process of building character begins within, but must be eventually brought to the world.
"Everybody can like somebody's strengths and their good looks. But can you like somebody's weaknesses? Can you accept them for their inabilities?
That's what love is - It's not just the good things".